- Dan Bowman, Ken Zawleski & Richard Molck removing ship’s horn
- Dan Bowman, & Richard Molck removing ship’s horn
- Dan Bowman, & Richard Molck removing ship’s horn
- Dan Bowman, & Richard Molck removing ship’s horn
- Dan Bowman, & Richard Molck removing ship’s horn
- Dan Bowman, & Richard Molck removing ship’s horn
- Philly Sky Line From Wainwright
- Dan Bowman, & Richard Molck removing ship’s horn
- Richard Molck removing salvo warning alarm.
- Richard Molck removing salvo warning alarm.
- Mess Deck
- Tray Rail
- Mess Deck
- Galley
- Mess Deck
- 55B Radar System #2
- Space Dedication
- 55B Radar Control Room
- 55B Radar Control Room
- 55B Radar Control Room
- 55B Radar System#1
- 55B Radar System #2
- 55B Radar Control Room
- New Coffin Lockers
- 4th Division Berthing
- Secured Pisser
- Secured Shitter
- Shower
- 4th Division Berthing
- Racks
- Wardroom
- Richard Molck Stands were WEC & MEC were in CIC
- Gyro Repeater
- Sonar in CIC
- Ladder From E Division Berthing to OW Division Berthing
- Starboard Side Hatch fro CIC to Signal Bridge
- Sonar in CIC
- Sonar in CIC
- Ladder From Outside CIC to 02 Level
- Dan Bowman Removing Messaging Tubes
- Richard Molck Removing Sound Tube
- USS Des Moines from Wainwright’s Weather Deck
- 55B Fire Control Radar & 48C Radar Pedestal
- Richard Molck Removing Sound Tube
- Dan Bowman Setting Up to Record Our Ceremony
- Ken Zalewski Reading JC Lament
- Richard Molck Leading the Farewell Wainwright Ceremony
- Richard Molck Placing Plaque from Association Dedicating Our Ship to Davy Jones.
- Richard Molck Reading Plaque from Association Dedicating Our Ship to Davy Jones.